Our School

In addition to classroom learning, Willcox Middle School uses its clubs and sports to help provide fun learning opportunities. Together with the wonderful support of our community, our students take advantage of their big opportunities and enjoy great successes!

Our Philosophy

Willcox Middle School will provide a safe and positive learning environment for all children regardless of individual differences. We provide all students sound academic opportunities.

  • We believe in assisting every student in developing positive values and self-concepts, but the primary responsibility for instilling these values belongs to the home.
  • We believe that a student is accountable for his/her own actions.
  • We believe that cooperation and respect for learning will result with open lines of communication among administrators, teachers, students, parents, and community members.

Our District Mission and Vision

Our mission at Willcox Unified School District is to continuously expand opportunities for every student.

Our vision is to be a model rural school district that empowers students to reach their full potential through trust, collaboration, transformative learning, life skills, and work-based experiences, fostering responsible and engaged citizens.

Our Promotion and Retention Plan

We base our Willcox Middle School promotion and retention policy on the premise that students should possess minimal competencies at each instructional (grade) level in order for us to promote them.

In grades 5–8, we promote students based on completion of all of the following criteria:

  1. Recommendation from the teacher(s) instructing reading, English, mathematics, social studies, and science
  2. Completion of all class assignments, projects, and tests that translate into a minimum grade point average of 65: (D)
  3. Class attendance throughout school year at 90% per district policy; chronic illness accepted by a notice from the student's physician 

Special Education: Students enrolled in a special education program must meet the course of study and graduation requirements of students enrolled in special education. Students placed in special education classes in grades 4–8 are eligible to receive the standard certificate of promotion from eighth grade without meeting state competency requirements. However, we will note a reference to special education placement on the student's transcript.

Review of Promotion/Retention Decision: According to Arizona Revised Statues (A.R.S.) 15 521. Teachers make the decision to promote or retain a student. Parents have no authority to overturn the teacher’s decision. If parents/guardians choose not to accept the teacher’s decision (ARS 15-521-10), they may request a conference with the teacher and principal and/or request (in writing) that the governing board review the teacher’s decision.

We will notify the student as well as parents/guardians by mail at mid-term and at the end of each nine weeks if their child has failed. We will notify parents/guardians in writing, within two weeks after the end of the third grading period, when a student demonstrates inferior achievement and is indeed in danger of retention.

Parents/guardians should request a conference with the teacher of the "at risk" student upon receipt of a notice to ensure that the school and home are striving to move in the same direction, and with good understanding.